executive secretary's desk

Rev. Hukugha Zhimo
SBAK, Nito Mount
Praise be to God for His unending love and grace.
I bring warm greetings from the office of SBAK Nito Mount. Nito Theological College is an answered prayer of thousands of believers under SBAK. It was the visionary leaders of the past who initiated and started the college with an aim to train those individual committed to join church ministry. However, over the years Nito Theological College has moved forward to the great extend along with rest of theological colleges around us in terms of education quality, faculty strength and infrastructure.
Today, Nito Theological College with a well equipped infrastructure, library and a strong committed intellectual team of faculty aims to impart sound and holistic theological education. The College offers different programs along with ample co-curricular activities and practical trainings. The warm community life at Nito Theological College also provides a favourable environment for spiritual growth along with academic exercise. The college has produced hundreds of disciples who are actively involved in different ministry and it is my prayer that the college will continue to produce committed servants of God. I encourage the students preparing to pursue theological education to come and experience the enriching academic activities and be a part of the faith community of Nito Theological College.