our faculty Faculty & Staff 2022-23 1. Administrative officers: Dr. Niholi Shohe Principal, Asst. Professor (Christian Theology) B.Th., B.D, M.Th (ETC-Jorhat), D.Min (Senate of Serampore). Mr. Tony K Awomi Academic Dean, Asst. Professor (Missiology) B.Th, M.Div, M.Th (SAIACS-Bangalore). 2. Faculty Profile Ms. Mughatoli Zhimo Asst. Professor, (Old Testament) M.A. NU Kohima, B.D, M.Th (TTC-Dimapur). Mr. Kito S Awomi Asst. Professor, (New Testament) B.Th, M.Div, M.Th (HBI-Chennai). Mr. Hovika Yeptho Asst. Professor , (Christian Theology) B.D, M.Th (OTS-AGST-NEI, Dimapur) Mr. Heroto Shikhu Asst. Professor , (Religion: Hinduism) B.Th, M.Div, M.Th (ACTS - Bangalore). Mrs. Vilibo K. Yepthomi Asst. Professor, Coordinator, HCM (History of Christianity) B.A. NEHU Shillong, B.D., M.A. HCD, M.TH (ETC-Jorhat). Ms. Kaholi x Yeptho Asst. Professor, (Christian Ministry) B.D, M.Th (SHUATS-Allahabad). Mrs. Tolibo Ghokivi Achumi Lecturer, (HCD) B.Th., B.D, M. A HCD (ETC- Jorhat) Ms. Vinokili Assumi Music Lecturer B.D, Church Music (Piano Major) Bangalore school of music. 3. STAFFs rev. Hutoli achumi College promoter B.Th/MDiv Mr. Enos Kiba Librarian B.Th., M.Div, M.TH. (Christian Ministry) IBTS Kerala Mrs. Bokatoli H Zhimomi Assistant librarian B.A (JCC – Kohima) M.Div (OTS – Dimapur) Mr. Vinoto K. Yepthomi Accountant B.Th/M.Div (NTC – Zunheboto) Ms. Lina P. Awomi Office Assistant B.Th/M.Div (NTC – Zunheboto)